Headshot Photography Basics

Before you start digging through the phone book and looking at countless galleries online, take a moment and learn what a headshot is and what purpose it serves.

The need is simple: You need an acting or modeling headshot. The problem is, you’re not quite sure what a headshot is or how to go about finding a photographer who can give you what you need. Before you start digging through the phone book and looking at countless galleries online, take a moment and learn what a headshot is and what purpose it serves. Continue reading “Headshot Photography Basics”

Portraits: Beyond the ordinary

How do you go about creating a portrait that transcends the ordinary? Start with a New York musician who’s looking for something a little bit different, add a Tucson photographer, mix in a touch of imagination and a dash of willingness to experiment, then start chipping away at the box. It may take some time; in this case, what might’ve normally been an hour-long shoot turned into nearly three hours and over two hundred shots. In the end, we had some spectacular images – not only traditional fare, but beautiful shots like these, as well:

It’s all about the eyes…

There’s just something about eyes. It doesn’t matter whose eyes: Young or old, woman or man. The eyes tell a story. Or, at least, they hint at one.

What makes a portrait special?

For me, it’s all about the eyes…

I’ve had an interest in photography since I was a kid.  In fact, it’s hard for me to remember a time when I didn’t have a camera of some sort, though some of my earliest were no more than pinhole cameras made out of Kodak™ film boxes.

But it wasn’t until I hit high school that I really began to develop a passion for photographing people.  I began to understand that photographing people was about capturing moments in time, that the photographs that I took were a record of that specific moment – an instant that would and could never happen again. Continue reading “It’s all about the eyes…”