How Large Can That Digital File Go?

It’s a question one can find all over the Internet, and one that I get asked all the time. My favorite answer is generic: The better the image quality, the more leeway you have when it comes to printing – regardless of the number of pixels. It’s my way of trying to get people to be less fixated on the gear they’re carrying and more attentive to what they’re photographing.
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Why are Professional Photographers so expensive?

Shooting professional photography is a skill acquired through years of experience. Even though a DSLR now costs under $1,000, taking professional portraits involves much more than a nice camera.

In this digital age where everyone has cameras, scanners, and home “photo printers,” we hear this all the time: How do professional (or personal) photographers charge $X for an 8×10 when they cost just $1.50 at the drugstore? Simply put, the customer is not just paying for the actual photograph; they’re paying for time and expertise.
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Photographing Toddlers

Expect the unexpected, and be ready to capture those priceless moments that will serve as treasured reminders of their youth for years to come.

Lola on Mt. Lemmon
Whether you’re a seasoned pro photographer or simply a proud parent with a cell phone cam, if you’ve tried to photograph toddlers you know that the experience can be challenging, frustrating and immensely rewarding, all at the same time.
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Headshot Photography Basics

Before you start digging through the phone book and looking at countless galleries online, take a moment and learn what a headshot is and what purpose it serves.

The need is simple: You need an acting or modeling headshot. The problem is, you’re not quite sure what a headshot is or how to go about finding a photographer who can give you what you need. Before you start digging through the phone book and looking at countless galleries online, take a moment and learn what a headshot is and what purpose it serves. Continue reading “Headshot Photography Basics”

Portraits: Beyond the ordinary

How do you go about creating a portrait that transcends the ordinary? Start with a New York musician who’s looking for something a little bit different, add a Tucson photographer, mix in a touch of imagination and a dash of willingness to experiment, then start chipping away at the box. It may take some time; in this case, what might’ve normally been an hour-long shoot turned into nearly three hours and over two hundred shots. In the end, we had some spectacular images – not only traditional fare, but beautiful shots like these, as well: