Site Updates

Back in June, the WordPress community released a major update to its popular blogging tool. Since the core files have undergone some dramatic changes, I thought it best to hold off for awhile on an upgrade to my site and wait until my plugins had been updated or, at least, tested for compatibility with Version 3.

This weekend I took the leap and upgraded my installation of WordPress and spent quite a bit of time re-theming the site based on the new engine. There were a few hair-raising moments, but the changes are now in place. Additionally, I decided to implement the use of W3 Total Cache to speed up the site and therefore enhance the user experience. Combined with the use of Amazon’s S3 services to deliver my image content, W3 Total Cache appears to have dramatically reduced page load times.

If you have experienced any disruptions on the site over the past couple of days, I apologize; the worst of it is over and I hope you’ll find that the changes – though not readily visible – are an improvement and will, in fact, enhance your viewing experience. I’m sure I’ll be tweaking things over the next couple of weeks, but in the mean time: Enjoy!

Author: Galen

Combining a lifelong passion for photography with an ever growing fascination with the properties of light, Galen specializes in portrait, fashion, and fine art photography with the goal of producing dynamic, quality images through focused effort and attention to detail.

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